I stumbled upon a new Cell Press journal called “iScience”. This really
sounds like a journal for apple fanboys as defined by the urban
“…One who believes
adding an "i" prefix to anything is automatically superior to
anything that does not have an "i" in front of it.” –Urban dictionary
I was yesterday reading a recent article in this journal and I have to
say the “I” prefix doesn’t seem to make this journal any better. If something,
it seems to be worse than the actual Science journal by publishing even more correlative,
unsubstantiated and hyperbolic findings.
The article was about actin within mitochondria (Xie et al. 2018).
This publication refers extensively to an older paper suggesting that actin
would reside within mitochondria (Reyes et al. 2011), although
on my opinion this is probably just an experimental artefact. As it turns out
Xie et al. didn’t try to reproduce these findings but took them at face value.
In this article from Xie et al. the authors compared mitochondria in WT
mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) and beta-actin knockout fibroblasts. First
they stained mitochondria with MitoTracker Orange and saw that in KO MEFs
mitochondria have changed morphology, which is not surprising as mitochondria
are known to utilize the actin cytoskeleton to move and dock i.e. actin network
is needed for proper mitochondrial dynamics. The authors believe this change in
morphology is caused by the beta-actin’s ability to control mitochondrial
membrane potential, which could affect also mitochondrial morphology. Somehow I
prefer the idea that mitochondrial dynamics is disrupted to altered
Next they treated cells with oxidative phosphorylation system (OXPHOS)
inhibitors and CCCP, which will uncouple various cellular membrane potentials (Padman et al. 2013). In
most conditions the KO MEF mitochondria were more sensitive to these
treatments, which is, again, not surprising as the KO MEF mitochondria have
altered dynamics. A notable exception was the complex IV inhibitor cyanide
(KCN) had a similar effect in both cell types. Also, inhibiting complex V
increased mitochondrial membrane potential more in the knockout cells. To me
this would suggest that the KO MEFs have less leakage across the mitochondrial
inner membrane or that the electron transport system is working at an increased
rate. The authors suggest that the KO MEFs have “more unused capacity for
proton storage” whatever that means.
Next, the authors measure complex II/III activity and saw that this was
decreased in the knockout MEFs (Fig. 2). Quite often, complex II activity is
used to normalize the activities of other complexes because complex II is the
only complex which all proteins are nuclear encoded. Because the complex II/III
activity was decreased in knockout MEFs, this would suggest that the
mitochondrial transcription could be increased leading to increased complex III
activity. This result is at odds with other experiments in this article but
this conflict is not discussed.
They also re-analyzed some published RNA-seq data to observe possible
changes in nuclear encoded OXPHOS genes. This, however, is rather meaningless as
we previously showed that OXPHOS subunit RNA levels do not correlate well with
the protein levels (Kühl
et al. 2017).
I think the Figure S3E is one of the most important ones in this paper.
The authors tried to restore mitochondrial membrane potential in knockout MEFs
by over-expressing actin-GFP. They did not see a rescue effect when expressing
actin in the cytosol or nucleus, but importantly the over-expression was less
than 1/30 of the amount of endogenous actin. For this reason it is unclear to
me why they even show this experiment. Instead, they should have designed an
actin over-expression system reaching the WT actin levels.
Figure 3 left me completely unconvinced. The authors show using
immunocytochemistry that some actin staining and mitochondrial staining overlap
and so they conclude that actin is within mitochondria. It is just like people
studying mitochondria-endoplasmic reticulum contacts who stain both networks
and see overlapping signals but provide no evidence that these are actual
contact sites. Similarly, Xie et el. provide no evidence that this actin is
actually within mitochondria.
To artificially target actin into mitochondria the authors added a
mitochondrial targeting sequence (MTS) to the N-terminus of actin.
Unfortunately, they did not show whether A) actin is functional with this
targeting sequence or whether MTS-actin is actually imported into mitochondrial
matrix or just co-localizes with mitochondrial staining. Surprisingly, this MTS-actin
slightly increased the mitochondrial membrane potential and some mitochondrial
transcript levels. I would have liked to see a control where the authors would
have targeted some other non-mitochondrial proteins into mitochondria, such as
MTS-GFP or MTS-LacZ, to see whether any protein would have had the same effect.
All in all the authors didn’t provide any convincing evidence that actin
would be imported into mitochondria. Knocking out actin has clearly various
effects on mitochondrial morphology and respiration etc. but this is to be
expected because mitochondria move and dock using actin but concluding from this
that actin regulates mitochondrial gene expression is just naïve.
Kühl I, Miranda M, Atanassov I, Kuznetsova I, Hinze Y, Mourier A,
Filipovska A, Larsson NG. Transcriptomic and proteomic landscape of mitochondrial
dysfunction reveals secondary coenzyme Q deficiency in mammals. Elife. 2017.
PMID: 29132502
Padman BS, Bach M, Lucarelli G, Prescott M, Ramm G. The protonophore
CCCP interferes with lysosomal degradation of autophagic cargo in yeast and
mammalian cells. Autophagy.
2013. PMID: 24150213
Reyes A, He J, Mao CC, Bailey LJ, Di Re M, Sembongi H, Kazak L, Dzionek
K, Holmes JB, Cluett TJ, Harbour ME, Fearnley IM, Crouch RJ, Conti MA,
Adelstein RS, Walker JE, Holt IJ. Actin and myosin contribute to mammalian
mitochondrial DNA maintenance. Nucleic Acids Res. 2011. PMID: 21398640
Xie X, Venit T, Drou N, Percipalle
P. In
Mitochondria β-Actin Regulates mtDNA Transcription and Is Required for
Mitochondrial Quality Control. iScience 2018. PMID: Not available
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